The “where” of Missions


Discussion Questions:

  1. We saw in Acts 1:8 that there is not a single person on this planet that we are to withhold the good news of Jesus from. Is there anyone in your life that you struggle to share the gospel with?

  2. We also saw how important the Holy Spirit is in our evangelism. Spend a few minutes discussing this. Share with the group stories of how the Holy Spirit has worked in and through you as you’ve shared the gospel with others.

  3. Let’s strategize. What are some practical ways that you as a community group can engage in missions locally?

  4. Let’s pray. Spend a few minutes praying that (1) God will bless those who are already taking the gospel to unreached areas, (2) that God will call men and women from Harbor to take the gospel to unreached areas, and (3) that we will be faithful in supporting, training, sending, and partnering with those who take the gospel to the ends of the earth.
