
“It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” — Acts 1:8

Missions in our Jerusalem:

Light of the Village

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“We are a front-line, hands-on Christian ministry designed to share Christ's message of faith, hope, and love to the inner city. We serve six days a week inside this community and strive to provide a consistent presence where the love of Christ can be discovered.”

Missions in our Judea and Samaria:

Lucas Mordecai— Missionary on USA’s Campus


“Growing up in church, I always had a desire to be “the good kid.” However, I began to feel condemned by my sin, because I felt my goodness was never good enough. When I got to college, I met someone working for Campus Outreach who began to share the gospel with me. Soon after I began to desire the exchange of my sin for Jesus’s perfect record to take place in my life. After becoming a Christian, I began to desire the things that Christ desires, and have come to know true joy from walking with Him. God has given me a desire to share the gospel with college students in the same way. My desire is to invest my life into men and women who will then invest their lives into others that the world may know Christ.”

Global Missions:


The Moore’s— Foreign missionaries in an undisclosed area.

To learn more, please speak to Wayne Cunningham on a Sunday morning.

Student Mission Trip— Foreign missionaries in an undisclosed area (summer of 2021).

If you would like to give toward their trip this summer, please click the link below.