John 12:27-36


Discussion questions:

  1. How does Jesus’ willingness to go to the cross display his love for you?

  2. How does Jesus’ words in verse 28 show us how to pray when crisis threatens to crush our lives? Is the priority of Jesus your greatest priority? Is glorifying the Father your central aim? Are you, by the power of the Spirit, bringing all things under his authority and aiming all things towards his glory?

  3. Verse 32 does not mean that literally everyone will be saved. Rather, it means that people from every tribe, tongue, and nation will be drawn to himself. This tells us that there will/should diversity in the church. 

    • How can you, personally, be intentional building relationships with others who look, talk, and act different than you?

    • How can your community group be intentional building relationships with others who look, talk, and act different than you?

  4. What does this passage teach us about Jesus? What does it teach us about ourselves?