Joe Cain Outreach Plan

Due to Joe Cain Day, we will not be having a service next Sunday, February 23. Instead we are planning to spend the day serving the community. Here is a detailed plan for what this Sunday will look like:

Meet at the YMCA parking lot at 10am.

***Parking at the YMCA will be $20 per car, and the proceeds will help provide scholarships for children and families that cannot afford YMCA services. From what I’ve heard, finding free parking will be difficult. Therefore, I would recommend you carpool downtown with a group of people in order to save money on parking.

Divide and conquer.

The goal for this Sunday is to be intentional in building relationships with folks in the community with the ultimate hope of sharing the gospel. As we've been learning in the gospel of John, Jesus is our only hope for eternal life. Therefore, we should be eager to introduce others to Him! 
Be intentional in talking to your baristas, your waiters, the store owners, the people you walk by, and the people sitting next to you. As you talk to them, exchange information with them and then follow up and invite them to Harbor on Sunday or your community group throughout the week or even to grab lunch/coffee on a later date. 

We will have three teams that go out:

Outreach team #1. Families to Cathedral Square. 
All parents and kids will go to Cathedral Square to allow the children to run around and play in the park. We will bring a few toys and a cooler with snacks and drinks for the kids. Parents, one of your goals is to connect with other parents in the area. 

Outreach team #2. South Broad Street.

As we’ve thought through the logistics of Joe Cain Day, we’ve begun to speculate that downtown locals are more likely to be further away from Water Street and Government Street. Therefore, Matt Moorman will lead a team to South Broad Street.

You will bring with you a cooler full of waters and Harbor Community Church koozies with information about the church to pass out. Obviously our goal is not to endorse drunkenness. Rather, our goal is to use the koozie as a conversation starter. Use the koozie to your advantage. Be kind and bless someone with a water and a church koozie. Then, if the opportunity presents itself, use that as an opportunity to build relationships with the hope of sharing the gospel.

Outreach team #2. Spring Hill and Broad Street.

Identical to outreach team #1, Brady and Emily King will lead a team toward Spring Hill and Broad Street. 

Pray, pray, pray.

Church, join with me in praying that this Sunday will be fruitful. Pray, and trust, that we will meet the right people. Pray that the Holy Spirit will lead us and that we will be listening to His leading. Pray for both opportunities and the boldness to share the gospel, personally. Pray that your brothers and sisters will have opportunities to share the gospel and that they, too, will have the boldness to share the gospel. 

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” — Matthew 28:18-20