Coronavirus (COVID-19) Plan


For now we will be going to an online service on Sundays mornings. During this time, we’re asking you to gather in small groups of 5 or less people. If you are not feeling well or have been in contact with someone who has been sick, please gather as a single family unit. 

But, for now, you will be able to find a link to a video recording of our teaching on the gospel of John, discussion questions, and songs to sing at

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, and be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.” - Romans 12:13

Hey guys!

I want to update you on what’s happening at Harbor Community Church in light of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Please read through this entire email as it contains our plans for helping to keep our campuses as safe as possible for our church family, and how you can help too.   

First and foremost, I am in close communication with the director of the YMCA. At the moment they are business as usual, and they are adding additional sanitization precautions. If anything changes here I will let you know. 

That being said, at this time we will continue to gather together for worship on Sundays. In the event that local and state health officials recommend closure or we determine it is in the best interest of our Harbor family to close, we will inform everyone through our website, email, and social media.

During this time, with the help of the YMCA, we will be committed to the following: 

  1. We will sanitize highly touched surfaces before and after every service such as doors, handles, tables, water fountains, check-in stations, and sinks. 

  2. Our staff and volunteer teams will wash their hands frequently and stay home if they are sick

  3. We will provide additional hand sanitizer stations around the YMCA for everyone to use. 

  4. Our Weekly and Connection Cards will be available at all exits so you can grab one on the way out.   

  5. We will be taking extra care of our kids’ spaces. Kids’ toys and rooms will be sanitized before and after every service. 

During this time, we are asking you to help in the following ways:   

  1. Stay at home when you or a family member are sick. I will record a video of my sermon Saturday night and upload it on the website at

  2. Do NOT “greet one another with a brotherly kiss”… or a hug… or a handshake. Please understand that we are asking our greeters and other volunteers to forgo shaking hands but instead give a friendly smile and a wave. Be considerate of your neighbor and be intentional in greeting one another with a kind word.   

  3. If things do progress with COVID-19 in our area and you or someone you know tests positive, please let us know so we can help and pray for everyone involved

We will do everything we can to make our gathering as safe and clean as possible. We appreciate your cooperation and commitment to help us do just that. 

Fear not, church. Our God is still on the throne, and although we encounter many trials in this life, our eternal hope in Christ Jesus is secure. Cling to this hope in these days of uncertainty!