What is Lectio Divina?

Lectio Divina, or "Divine Reading" is an ancient way of praying the Holy Scriptures. It finds its roots all the way back to the church fathers in the 1st-3rd centuries. There are 4 steps to this prayer practice:

  • Read

  • Reflect

  • Respond

  • Rest

Let’s walk through each step.


Find a passage of Scripture that is particularly practical and resonates with you Some suggestions are: the words of Jesus from the Gospels, a Psalm, or a Proverb.


This isn't a time to break out the commentary or Greek-Hebrew translations. However, be thoughtful about the passage. Ask the Spirit to maybe give you a word association that reflects the core message of the passage. Just think about it for a time.

Respond (pray)

Now make this passage your prayer! This is why it is helpful for it to be already a practical passage. If it is the words of Jesus, pray them. If it is a Psalm or a Proverb, pray them! Maybe even sing them! St. Augustine says "Singing is praying twice."

Rest (meditate)

Now meditate on this passage for however long you wish. Repeat it over and over again, slowly. Let the truth of this passage of scripture wash over you. Close in a prayer of Thanksgiving.

The point here is for the spirit to write the words of scripture on your heart. It is not enough for us to just know the scriptures inte lectua ly (see the pharisees). We must let it become deeply indweled in us so that when we walk through our day, our heart overflows with the scriptures and we become "doers" of the word.