Week 1 Discussion Questions: Introduction

  1. Between 50% and 90% of children growing up in the church no longer attend church after they leave home. Why do you think this is? 

  2. What is Zeal and why does it matter?

  3. Who is responsible for discipling the next generation?

  4. Read Psalm 78:1-8 How do we hide the Truth from our children? 

  5. What about this study most excites you? 

Week 2 DISCUSSION Questions: Chapter 1

Watch together:

A Vision for the Discipleship of the Next Generation

Questions to ponder:

  1. What do we want the children in our homes and church to know and understand about God and His Word?

  2. What do we want them to understand about the gospel?

  3. What marks of faith and spiritual maturity do we want them to have? 

  4. What portions of the Bible do we want them to be able to quote from memory by the time they graduate from high school?

  5. What kind of husband and father, or wife and mother do we want them to be?

  6. What do we want them to teach their children?

  7. How would we want them to respond when tragedy strikes or when they face suffering in their lives? 

  8. What will fortify them against the temptations of wealth, pleasure, and success?

  9. What do we want them to be trusting in when they are taking their last breath?

Questions to discuss:

  1. Why is it important to have a long term vision and discipleship strategy that evaluates every program, activity, curriculum and resource in terms of the greater vision?

  2. Where should we get our vision from?

Homework for parents:

Develop a vision statement for your family and begin to communicate it with your children.

Week 3 Discussion Questions: Chapter 2

Questions to Discuss:

  1. Who bears the responsibility for the discipleship of the next generation?

  2. To what extent are parents responsible and accountable?

  3. To what extent is the church responsible and accountable?

  4. What is the relationship between the two?

  5. What is one of the key factors to the effective and fruitful discipleship of the next generation on p. 41 How can we do this better?

Week 4 Discussion questions: Chapter 3

Watch together: 

A Vision for Teaching the Word of God

Ponder the following question:

By the time the children in our church are 20 years old, will these statements be true?

  • They are thoroughly acquainted with the scriptures. 

  • They have the necessary tools to properly study the Bible. 

  • They have a deep understanding of the essential doctrines of the Christian faith. 

  • They can articulate the essence, means, and goal of the gospel. 

  • They know what it means to be a faithful follower of Jesus. 

Questions to Discuss:

  1. Why is it important to teach the children in our homes and church the whole counsel of God?

  2. Why is it important to use the Bible when we are teaching?

  3. Why is it important for children to find Biblical truths for themselves?

  4. What does it mean to give our children big truths they will grow into rather than light explanations they will grow out of? Why is that important?

Week 5 Discussion Questions: chapter 4

Watch together:

Vision for God centered, gospel focused teaching for the next Generation

Questions to Discuss:

  1. What Biblical truths are essential in order to understand the gospel?

  2. How and when should these be presented?

  3. How can we guide and implore children to respond in genuine belief? 

Week 6 Discussion Questions: Chapter 5

Watch together:

A Vision for Encouraging Faith in Christ in the Next Generation

Questions to Discuss:

  1. Why is it important for children to move from knowing about God to trusting Him personally?

  2. Why is it important to teach children to apply the Bible to everyday circumstances? 

  3. What is the difference between activity and active learning?

  4. Why is it important to invest the time and effort to get our own hearts engaged with the truth? Deuteronomy 6:6-7 What does this look like practically?

Week 7 Discussion Questions: Chapter 6

Questions to Discuss:

  1. What are we powerless to do in the hearts of the children in our homes and church?

  2. Spend this evening praying for the children in our church and homes by name. 

  3. Spend time praying over the children’s volunteers in our church. 

  4. Spend time praying over the parents in our church (p. 78-79).


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Week 8 Discussion Questions: Chapter 7

Watch together:

Vision for God Centered, Gospel Focused Teaching

Questions to Discuss:

  1. What/who is the Bible about? How do we hide this truth from our children?

  2. How do we treat Bible stories as moral lessons?

  3. Romans 11:36 Why do we exist?

  4. How can we start applying the truth we have learned during this study?